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Spin galvanising: what is it, and what are the benefits?

While hot dip galvanising is a common metal treatment method, spin galvanising is key for galvanising small pieces. We cover what spin galvanising is, how it works, and the benefits it offers here.

What is spin galvanising?

Spin galvanising is a process used to coat small metal parts with zinc. It is particularly useful for coating small, complex parts that may be difficult to dip into a galvanising bath. The process involves placing the pieces in a basket, which is then submerged in molten zinc, withdrawn, and spun at high speeds. Spin galvanising is used to increase the lifespan of steel by making it more robust, durable, and rust-resistant.

How does spin galvanising work?

Spin galvanising involves several steps. First, the parts that need treating are cleaned and prepared for galvanising. This involves removing any dirt, grease, or other contaminants by using a method such as shot blasting.

Next, the parts are placed in a basket which is then submerged into molten zinc. The basket acts as a barrier, stopping the pieces from being lost in the bath. Once a zinc/alloy layer forms, the basket is withdrawn and spun at high speeds. The spinning action distributes the zinc evenly over all parts and removes any excess, creating a uniform coating.

Finally, the coated parts are removed from the basket and inspected to ensure that the coating is even and free of defects.

Benefits of spin galvanising

Spin galvanising has numerous distinct benefits:

Protect small pieces: One of the main benefits of spin galvanising is that small parts can be galvanised without being dipped directly into a bath. You gain the benefits of hot dip galvanising without losing any pieces. This makes it an ideal solution for protecting fasteners, fixings, hinges, and chains.

Increased durability: Unlike surface-level coatings such as paint, the zinc layer used with galvanising chemically bonds to the metal, making it stronger against corrosion. The zinc coating is also thicker than alternatives, further contributing to its durability. The increased durability enhances the metals lifespan, saving you time and money on repeated coatings.

Environmentally friendly: Galvanising produces less waste compared to other methods, as it only uses the amount of zinc needed. This makes it an environmentally friendly option, fitting into a circular economy.

Save money: You can expect to see a greater return on investment with spin galvanising. Spin galvanising makes the metal more durable, reducing the frequency of maintenance needed, and reducing the associated labour costs such as transportation. It is also a fast process with a short turnaround time, so the parts are returned to you quicker.

Spin galvanising is a cost-effective, efficient, and environmentally friendly method for coating small parts with zinc. It offers enhanced adhesion, consistency, and reduced material waste compared to other steel protection methods. It is the ideal choice for protecting your small metal pieces.

At Widnes Galvanising, we offer spin galvanising via sister plant at Telford. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you protect your metal from rust and corrosion.

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The hot dip galvanise process is crucial as a means of protecting steel. Not only does it offer complete coverage, but it also provides longevity and toughness for the metal. It’s cost-effective too. These are just some of the reasons why it is an excellent option for steel.

This article delves deeper into these reasons and some additional benefits of hot dip galvanising.

Longevity and durability

Hot dip galvanising provides steel with a long life and durability ranging from 34 to 170 years, depending on the environment. Additionally, a maintenance-free finish reduces the carbon emissions usually associated with non-galvanised steel upkeep.

Low maintenance is particularly advantageous when steels are in remote or difficult-to-access areas, making hot dip galvanising ideal for structures such as bridges.


Compared to other coating applications, the hot dip galvanise process is more cost-effective. The Galvanizers Association states, “Over a 25-year project life, the cost of a ‘cheaper’ paint system is almost 70% more than the cost of galvanising. Likewise, the cost of a more ‘expensive’ paint system is almost double that of galvanising.”

Complete coverage

During galvanising, steel gets completely covered with a zinc coat to prevent corrosion, and the coating is applied evenly over all steel parts – inside and out – to provide complete protection. The hot dip galvanise process also produces a uniform layer of equal thickness, which is impossible with alternative protective coatings such as paint systems.

Coating toughness

Hot dip galvanising also enhances the toughness of steel, with the zinc coating metallurgically bonding to the metal, and becoming part of the structure. This is especially important for steel used in transportation and construction that is often stored, moved, handled, and susceptible to damage. Hot dip galvanised steel is far less likely to be affected by potential damage.

Speed of application

Protecting steel with a painted coat takes time when factoring in the double/triple paint layers and drying time. In comparison, the hot dip galvanising process is rapid. As a result, a completely protective coating can be applied in hours. This also includes preparing the steel for the galvanising process.

Faster construction

Galvanising also helps to keep construction projects on track. Once the steel is treated, it can be erected on-site immediately. There’s no need to wait days for the coat to dry.

Ease of inspection

When checking the quality of galvanised steel, the inspection process is straightforward. The zinc layer’s thickness is measured using an electronic probe to ensure compliance with BS EN ISO 1461, the British Standard for hot dip galvanised coatings.

Environmentally friendly

Finally, hot dip galvanising is environmentally friendly, as galvanised structures can be melted, repurposed, and reused without losing quality. (Find out more about galvanising and the circular economy here.) The zinc coating can also be reused in steel recycling, reducing waste and emissions.

In conclusion, hot dip galvanising provides numerous benefits for protecting steel, making it an excellent option for steelwork treatment. So, book your hot dip galvanising projects with Widnes Galvanising today.

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